The Non - Salesy Entrepreneur Manifesto

silhouette of woman with open arms at sunset

Finally, I’m re-launching the blog! It’s been awhile, but I’m now ready to start posting content here as well as other places. When thinking of what to post about, I realized I needed a way to make a public statement that communicates the vision and objective of this blog. So I decided to write a…

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Creating an Unstoppable Brand: Your Unique Brand Perspective


What if I told you that the success of your brand has little to do with your product or service? What if your innovative approach and unique selling proposition were almost useless when it comes to building a strong brand? In their quest to find a way to stand out from the crowd, many entrepreneurs…

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Need To Stand Out? Find Your Brand’s Purpose

find your brand's purpose

If you want to stand out from your competition, you need to find your brand’s purpose. The advent of social media and content marketing has made it easy to disseminate your company’s message to the masses. Whether you’re an established organization or a fledgling entrepreneurial enterprise, the internet has given you a platform that you…

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The Non-Salesy Entrepreneur: Don’t Sell. Consult.

entrepreneurial selling

If you’re an entrepreneur, it’s safe to assume that it’s pretty important to be able to move others, right? It’s a reasonable assumption. Unless you can inspire action from the people around you, it will be very difficult to succeed. Success at entrepreneurial selling means know how to approach your sales process. We have already…

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Customer Experience: 3 Ways to Seduce your Clients

The man betrays the nature

Have you been trying desperately to become the object of your customers’ affection? If so, you probably understand that the key to success isn’t just making happy customers. It’s creating loyal clients who will become brand evangelists for your business. You need ardent followers who are willing to trumpet the virtues of your company to…

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